On the19th January 2021 we drove a 6 hour round trip to the charity kennels in Lincolnshire to get Darcy. The moment we set eyes on this very nervous, scared little girl, we fell in love. It was not easy taking on such a frightened dog and to be honest we had no experience. Till now, we’d only ever had dogs from pups and they were confident and used to all sorts of situations and noise. Poor Darcy was scared of her own shadow, but time is a healer and she slowly became friendlier and gained confidence

Running free along the beach was definitely her happy place. She still has some odd habits - she eats off a mat on the floor and only drinks out of puddles and water butts! But she is the sweetest, most well behaved dog you could hope to meet, gentle and loving in every way . We don’t know if she will ever be 100% confident in herself but we will take what we have and keep loving and reassuring her .She has taught us that no matter what life throws at you there is always hope. Darcy is 9 years old now and here’s hoping to many more years with this sweet loving girl.